You'll Know Me As...

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Jakarta, Indonesia
Founder of @ProjekMimpi - a reality book and workshop project. Founder of @LenteraMahadaya - a non profit organization for Muallaf / Muslim convert Proud owner of Love Actually Planner @LA_Planner + @Lady Mosh Invaders [Rockin' clothing line for hijabers] @LadyMoshInvader - Twinkle Twinkle(band) Manager @thetwinkstars. Media / Promotion Manager of @KitchenDeath gothic band Jakarta - a rebel. a lover. a dreamer. a believer. a fighter. lately a muallaf. loves writing fiksimini and blogging. an ordinary someone with XTRAordinary dreams. a proud SINGLE mother of one adorable metalhead son \m/ .that i can be a bitch most of the times [err in a positive way I suppose?] .hopelessly romantic ordinary woman - LOOKING FOR that special someone to fill in the 'gap' and help making me whole; again -

Friday, October 7, 2011

Your Failures Do Not Define You

Ever wondered why you could not make everything going right?
Always stumble in the same old hole?
Always repeating the same mistakes even when we knew that it's the wrong thing to do?
And you're now desperately seeking the answer of "How Come?"; "Why"?
Maybe even the people that you trust and respect the most started to blame you for not being obedient enough; not praying enough; not reading Holy Qur'an enough OR for not being a good Christian or Buddhist or Hindu
And you're starting to feel so convicted by the judgment and starting to questioning whether you're worthy enough or not in HIS sight.

Our flesh is weak but we're strong in HIS spirit.
We could never win over any obstacles in our life if we're counting on our 'weak-self'

It's not about how many times we failed, stumbled or fell that matter the most.
NO! ALLAH does not count that.
The good news is, ALLAH only counting on how many times you gather your strength and trying your best to raise again.

HE understands who we are.
HE knows what we're thinking and even HE knows what we're about to do, even when we don't even know it yet.
So HE knows precisely how and when we're going to commit sins.

But....does all the facts above change the way HE feels about us?
NO! Certainly NOT!

ALLAH look deeper into our every hearts and feel every beat; every tears; every sorry-feeling; every pain and every effort we've tried to come back to HIS wonderful embrace.

So, life is not about what we think about who we are but it's about who we are in ALLAH's sight: 'Precious', 'Adorable', 'Loved', 'Trusted' and 'Wanted'

ALLAH is soooo ready to embrace you with HIS abundant love, from today on and will last forever

Have you made your choice today to stand up and receive HIS blessings - whatever the circumstances you're in?

ALLAH blesses you!

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