You'll Know Me As...

My photo
Jakarta, Indonesia
Founder of @ProjekMimpi - a reality book and workshop project. Founder of @LenteraMahadaya - a non profit organization for Muallaf / Muslim convert Proud owner of Love Actually Planner @LA_Planner + @Lady Mosh Invaders [Rockin' clothing line for hijabers] @LadyMoshInvader - Twinkle Twinkle(band) Manager @thetwinkstars. Media / Promotion Manager of @KitchenDeath gothic band Jakarta - a rebel. a lover. a dreamer. a believer. a fighter. lately a muallaf. loves writing fiksimini and blogging. an ordinary someone with XTRAordinary dreams. a proud SINGLE mother of one adorable metalhead son \m/ .that i can be a bitch most of the times [err in a positive way I suppose?] .hopelessly romantic ordinary woman - LOOKING FOR that special someone to fill in the 'gap' and help making me whole; again -

Friday, August 12, 2011

AKU JALANG, TAPI BUKAN ANJING! {fvck off all pervert!}

Aku memang membawa resah jiwa di pundakku,
dan sejuta gundah di benakku
Tapi bukan berarti jiwa yang terluka ini mengharap hangat tubuhmu,
mendekap kesunyianku semaumu!
Dan Aku juga bukan ANJING,
yang di musim kawin menunggu untuk ditunggangi!
Simpan saja NAFSUMU! Karena aku bukanlah BUDAKMU!

{for all the guys out there who think all women are the same - easy to get and easy to throw away-: "middle finger" for each one of you}

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